• Fabricate Lights

    Le principe des Fabricate Lights du designer Henny Van Nistelrooy est simple: prendre un tissu extensible, y coudre une “poche”, y insérer une structure pour le mettre en tension, et se servir du jeu de trames et motifs ainsi créé pour diffuser de la lumière.

    Schéma de principe:

    Voici quelques mots du designer à propos de son projet:

    “The basic components from your ‘Fabricate’ flat pack include a spiral wire frame, an electric light fitting, and the light shade itself, which is a piece of fabric with a pocket (or pockets) woven in. The pocket houses the spiral frame that provides a skeleton that creates a sphere at the centre of which lies the light fitting. There are many factors in the fabric that could be altered. For instance, the yarn could be different colour, different make, which means unlimited possibilities of different pattern; the shape of the pocket could be square, round or even oval; and if you have a big room and you need something big and impressive instead of compact and intimate, then instead of cutting the fabric into units of pockets, you could make your own configuration by cutting out a line of three pockets or a square of nine.”

    Les Fabricate Lights ont été présenté lors du dernier London Design Festival.

    Sources: contemporist.com, dailytonic.com.

    3 commentaires

    1. maupado dit:


    2. La Revue du Design dit:


    3. JPP dit:

      Very Ruud…

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